Cool Vacation Apartment Rental in Paris/About the Neighborhood
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home is where it's at take a virtual tour of the apartment.... ....and of the coolest neighborhood in paris easy-to view events and availability calendars just a few clicks away from living like a modern-day Parisian some helpful links and must-read tips

Could it be all the parks, passages and galleries? Or all the great restaurants and fantastic nightlife within walking distance? Or perhaps the bounty of parks where you can actually lie down on the grass? You be the judge......

Here's a nice way to discover the neighborhood and to fight off that jet lag:
8:00 am Take in the Parisian skyline and watch the kids play in the cascading fountain at Parc Belleville, 8 meters higher than Montmartre and THE highest natural spot in Paris.
8:30 Swim in the same open-air, glass-ceilinged pool that Johnny Wiesmuller trained in for the 1928 Olympics.
10:00 Ponder Oscar Wilde's wit at Pere Lachaise Cemetery.
11:00 Snap out of it and exit the cemetery, going through the little known and beautifully neglected "Jardin Natural."


Try and beat Edith Piaf at her own game by singing to your hearts content and picking up some spare change at Place Edith Piaf.

12:00 Make Edith proud and spend that hard earned cash at Cafe Charbon or one of the many other happening hangouts on and around rue Oberkampf for lunch. But don't take too long,because...
1:30pm That world famous farmers market just up the street from the cafe, on Blvd. Belleville, stops selling at about 1:30.
2:00 Take Dubuffet's bus, the 96 line, up the hill and drop all your goodies off at "home".
2:10 Enjoy an afternoon drink at one of our friendly cafes on sunny, tree lined rue Sorbier.
3:30 Did someone say art? It seems every time we turn around there's a new gallery opening up on the street. Take a quick look behind you! Portes Ouvertes! Open House! Several times a year the artists in the area agree to open their doors to the public. Book accordingly and you could be buying from the next Monet.
4:30 The French like to devote some quality talk time with their friends and family in the afternoon, won't you join them for a gouté?
5:30 And take a nap, 'cause you've got a long night at ahead of you at Théâtre de Menilmontant or Nouveau Casino or .....
All those sites and more, like great nightlife recommendations, are listed and carefully mapped out in our Cool Paris Guide, yours for the keeping when you stay at your Cool Apartment In Paris. Can't wait to see more? Confused? Lost? Disoriented? Take a Virtual Tour of the neighborhood...



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